Contact Information
3001 Lincoln Hall, MC-456
702 S. Wright Street
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL 61801
Research Areas
Lauren Weiner is the Program Coordinator and Academic Advisor for the Health Communication Online Master of Science (HCOM) Program and Teaching Assistant Professor of Communication. She joined the University of Illinois in 2009 after completing her Ph.D. at Northwestern University.
Within the HCOM Program, Dr. Weiner holds several administrative and teaching roles including: developing and teaching courses, providing advising services for current and prospective students, managing admissions for the program, developing and implementing marketing strategies and supervising undergraduate interns working with the program.
Dr. Weiner's research interests center around the topics of family communication and health, specifically, communication dynamics of families of pediatric cancer survivors, family communication pertaining to genetic risks and disclosure of genetic illness, and the influence of family communication dynamics on members' health-related behaviors.
Ph.D. Northwestern University, 2009
M.A. Northwestern University, 2007
B.S. Northwestern University, 2005
Courses Taught
CMN 501: Introduction to Health Communication
CMN 504: Family and Health Communication
CMN 510: Capstone Independent Study (Summer 2012)
Recent Publications
Clubbs, B. H., Barnette, A. R., Gray, N., Weiner, L., Bond, A., Harden, J., & Pineda, R. (2019). A Community Hospital NICU Developmental Care Partner Program: Feasibility and Association with Decreased Nurse Burnout Without Increased Infant Infection Rates. Advances in Neonatal Care, 19(4), 311-320. https://doi.org/10.1097/ANC.0000000000000600
Weiner, L. H., Roloff, M. E., & Pusateri, K. B. (2014). Role Reversal: When Emerging Adults Initiate Health Confrontations With Their Parents. Emerging Adulthood, 2(4), 246-256. https://doi.org/10.1177/2167696814550842
Galvin, K. M., Grill Weiner, L. H., Arntson, P. H., & Kinahan, K. E. (2012). Beyond the Crisis: Communication Between Parents and Children Who Survived Cancer. In F. C. Dickson, & L. M. Webb (Eds.), Communication for Families in Crisis: Theories, Research, Strategies (pp. 229-248). Peter Lang Publishing.
Wilkinson, C., & Grill Weiner, L. H. (2010). Expressing Affection: A Vocabulary of Loving Messages. In K. M. Galvin (Ed.), Making Connections: Readings in Relational Communication (5 ed.). Oxford University Press.
Galvin, K., & Grill Weiner, L. H. (2009). Opening Up the Conversation on Genetics and Genomics in Families: The Space for Communication Scholars. In C. S. Beck (Ed.), Communication Yearbook (Vol. 33, pp. 213-257). Routledge.