Contact Information
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
3001 Lincoln Hall | MC-456
702 S. Wright St.
Urbana, IL 61801
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Maeve is a first-year MA student in the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Her current research focuses on how our health influences our communication practices. Specifically, she is interested in how marginalized health identities (e.g., neurodivergent, invisible illness, medically complex conditions) shape our sense-making and communication (e.g., uncertainty management, social support, resiliency).
Before coming to UIUC, Maeve was at Iowa State University where she gained experience in teaching technical communication skills to engineering and business students. Now, at UIUC she continues this work with the Grainger College of Engineering leading the EngineerSPEAK program (Skills for Presenting Engineering and Applied Knowledge). Her work involves collaborating with upper-class/capstone engineering courses to bring public speaking and technical communication instruction to soon-to-be engineers through in-class lectures, practice activities, and workshops.
Research Interests
Interpersonal Communication, Health Communication, Patient-Provider Communication, Qualitative Methods, Uncertainty, Social Support, Crafting Identity, Technical Communication
B.A. in Communication Studies from Iowa State University, 2021
B.S. in Technical Communication from Iowa State University, 2021
Courses Taught
CMN 111: Oral and Written Communication |
CMN 112: Oral and Written Communication ||
Additional Campus Affiliations
Lead Program Administrator for EngineerSPEAK (Skills for Presenting Engineering and Applied Knowledge)
Recent Publications
McGuire, M., & Rafferty, K. A. (2023). Finding beauty in the struggle: Using relational dialectics theory to analyze discourses that influence what it means to be both mom and caregiver to a child with medical complexities [Manuscript under review]. Department of Communication, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Rafferty, K. A., Beck, G. A., & McGuire, M. (2020). When facing hopeful and hopeless experiences: Using Snyder’s hope theory to understand parents’ caregiving experiences for their medically complex child. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 34(6), 542-549. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedhc.2020.06.003