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Research Areas
Minkyung Kim researches organizational communication and its impacts on community resilience and sustainability. Specifically, she studies organizations serving vulnerable populations and how they leverage and navigate communication processes like inter-organizational networks to maximize their capacity for community impact. She also researches symbolic, material, and mediated artifacts as forms of organizing and how such empower culturally and politically marginalized communities. Kim’s works have been published in the Journal of Communication, Nonprofit Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Quarterly Journal of Speech, and mainstream and ethnic news media in South Korea and Europe.
As a former PR specialist, Kim worked in the private and nonprofit sectors. She is also heavily involved in ESL education in Korea and has written a series of textbooks for novice to advanced English learners. She served as a key member in launching a new 1:1 English education platform for professionals in finance and engineering.
Research Interests
Organizational communication, community resilience, global/ intercultural communication, inter-organizational networks, digital inequality, ethnic media, intercultural rhetoric
Ph.D. Communication, Rutgers University
B.A. & M.A., Communication Studies, Colorado State University
TESOL, Ewha Womans University
Global Partnership Grant
Provost Research Grant
Awards and Honors
Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring Award, National Communication Association
Outstanding Doctoral Student Award
Top Paper Award in Intercultural Division, International Communication Association
Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award
Outstanding Master's Thesis Award
Courses Taught
Organizational Communication
Organizations and Community Impact
Highlighted Publications
Kim, M., & Williams, E.A. (2022). Emotional sustainability in human services organizations: Cultural and communicative paths to dealing with emotional work. Sustainability, 14 (15470), 1-17, doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/su142215470.
Doerfel, M.L., Kim, M., Kwestel, M., Youn, H., & Quow, J. (2022). Resilience organizing: A multi-level communication framework. Journal of Communication, 00, 1-14. doi: http://doi.org/10.1093/joc/jqac027.
Kim, M., Kwestel, M., Youn, H., Quow, J., & Doerfel, M.L. (2021). Serving the vulnerable while being vulnerable: Organizing resilience in a social service sector. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 00 (0), 1-22, Doi:10.1177/08997640211013912
Khrebtan-Hörhager, J., & Kim, M. (2020). Re-Membering Comfort Women: From on-screen storytelling and rhetoric of materiality to re-thinking history and belonging. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 106(4), 427-452, Doi:10.1080/00335630.2020.1828606.
Recent Publications
Kim, M., & Kwestel, M. (in press/forthcoming). Unengaged Presence: The Paradox of Refugee Voices on Humanitarian Organizations’ Websites. In J. Sergio, J. Khrebtan-Hörhager, A. Soto-Vásquiz, & M. Lechuga (Eds.). Migrant World Making, East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.