Contact Information
702 South Wright Street
Urbana IL 61801
Office Hours
Pam is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Communication. Her research investigates how abstract, complex issues are communicated through photography. Recent projects studied photographs produced during the housing crisis in 2008 and the environmental movement in the 1970s.
In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her dog, Shy the Dalmatian/Beagle, and baking bread and cookies in the kitchen. She enjoys coffee and the rain, two influences from the time she spent living near Seattle for her undergraduate degree.
Research Interests
Visual Rhetoric, Photography, Environmental Rhetoric
MA, Syracuse University, Communication and Rhetorical Studies
BA, BAC, Pacific Lutheran University, Communication and Political Science
Awards and Honors
Distinguished Graduate Student in the Arts and Humanities - Fellowship
Courses Taught
CMN 375: Popular Media and Culture
CMN 340: Visual Politics
CMN 323: Argumentation
CMN 111 & 112: Introduction to Oral and Written Communication I & II
Additional Campus Affiliations
2020-2021: Communication Graduate Student Association (GSA) President
2019-2020: Communication Graduate Student Association (GSA) Vice-President